US Highway 231

Troy, AlabamaAug 03, 20061 Comments

From Troy to Brundidge US highway is extensively patrolled by Alabama State Troopers. Especially during afternoon rush hour. The speed limit is 55, which is much to low, but, they give you about ten over anything more than that and they will get you.

Highway 231 from Troy to Brundidge has always been a death trap. Pike county has the highest death rate of any county in Southeast Alabama State Trooper District. 231 is not a divided highway, having 4 lanes and a suicide lane in the middle. The speed limit use to be 65 mph, but was reduced to 55 to save lives. If you are driving 55 you will be passed by everyone and unless you are driving above 65 mph or erratically you probably won't be stopped.
#1Apr 02, 2010Report Abuse

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