US highway 26 and off/on ramp signals

North Plains, OregonMar 01, 20010 Comments

Highway – North Plains City Police park under overpasses in both directions on U.S. Hwy 26. Any speed over posted speed of 55 mph is ticketed. No warnings are issued. Average ticket is $109. Traffic signals – The intersecton at the west bound off-ramp is routinely very congested. Don’t try to go through a yellow light if you think it might turn red. They’re watching. Same thing if your trying to make a left turn at this intersection to return to the freeway. The stop for the intersection is far back from the light. Don’t pull into the intersection to make a left turn unless you think you can make it before the light changes, even if the 20 or 30 cars behind you start honking. Minimum ticket is $175 for failure to observe a traffic control device. Additionally, you must appear in court, the municipal judge shows no mercy or leniency. Observation in court indicated that police cite drivers for whatever they can find: expired tags, failure to produce proof of insurance, failure to produce a drivers license, failure to produce registration, improper lane change(no signals), inoperative lights(ANY!), etc. Fines are NOT reduced. You can plead "not guilty" and return to court later, but the judge will not debate or discuss any details of the citation or lame excuses at the initial hearing. Court is held once a month. I saw approximately 100 people go through and pay on average well over $100 for even minor infractions up to well over $300. They are raking in the dough here. It would be interesting to know if they actually patrol the city and provide service and protection for the local residents

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