US Highway 280

Phenix City, AlabamaMay 09, 20052 Comments

This description could be applied to this entire highway. I have personally been pulled over (always by Alabama Highway Patrol officers) multiple times on this highway. For the majority of the highway, the posted speed limit is 65mph, though in some areas it gets down to 55 and even 45mph. You take a very big risk in going over 74mph (9mph over the speed limit) at night as the road is poorly lit and is perfect for a speed trap. Actually, in the day time, you are just as likely to run across a speed trap as you are at night. Almost the entire highway is lined with trees and the road can be fairly curvey in some areas making it condusive for the Highway Patrol/Police to hide and remain unseen until you see the red lights flashing in your rearview.

I wouldn't call this a speed trap. If you are going 74 mph, then you ARE breaking the law. That is why you get stopped.....It has nothing to do with a speed trap. It may be why they are called "law enforcement officers".......because they enforce the LAW. Believe it or not, but the law applies to everyone, including you.
#1May 25, 2010Report Abuse
BTW, a fire truck has red "po-po" as you probably refer to us, have blue lights.
#2May 25, 2010Report Abuse

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