US Highway 395 near Between Kettle Falls & Colville

Colville, WashingtonJun 11, 20072 Comments

The passing lane between Colville and Kettle Falls. The white state patrol cars usually check either end. There is a tan-gray, plain, unmarked car that sets just off Highland Loop road hidden in a gully and uses his radar to get you. They say you can speed up to pass in two lanes, but cannot speed up to pass in 4 lanes??

You can speed up to pass on a two lane road, but you can not pass on a multi-lane road. I think the theory is that slower vehicles are to use the right lane, allowing normal traffic to use the left lane. But on a simple two-lane highway, you'll get stuck behind a lot of logging trucks, so you need to speed up to get around them.
#1Nov 08, 2010Report Abuse
The real trap on that srtip of road between Kettle Falls & Coville is many people drive 40 miles an hour in a 55mph zone and cops don;t do nothing and there is very few spots you can pass? But don't get caught speeding! Which is more dangerous?
#2Feb 19, 2011Report Abuse

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