US Highway 59 near State Highway 242

Patton, TexasOct 13, 20074 Comments

headed north from the intersection of state highway 242 or headed south from splendora that section which is about 8 miles is heavily watched and several diffreent traps are in effect, from not stopping 2 feet from the white line at the stop sign right in front of flying j truck stop to 4 to 5 mph over the posted speed limit to stopping for an insurance
check these guys let nothing go and they stop mostly later model vehicles and most of that is comercial traffic and women drivers my wife has been driving for over 40 years and has had only one ticket in her entire driveing history
and in the last 3 years no matter how careful she is she gets at least 2 tickets a year in that area i have recieved several tickets in that same area myself for doing 3mph over the posted limit to not stopping 2 feet away from the white line at the stop signs my wife and daughters get stopped there almost every month my wife said they target women and i didnt believe it so i rode down there with her and laid down in the back seat of our truck and sure enough they stopped her and asked to see her proof of insurance and when i raised up from the back seat his whole attitude changed so be very careful if your in that area

This speed trap is actually in PATTON VILLAGE, not Patton. I hadn't had a ticket in almost 35 years, and I've gotten 7 in the past 18 months. All of them in Patton Village, just north of 242, for absolutely stupid things. Riding my bike once (I am a female) and was stopped because the cop didn't think a female should be "driving that big of a bike" and it was "dangerous". What?! Got a ticket for not wearing a helmet (no helmet law in TX if you have enough insurance) because I didn't have the little sticker on my license plate. The funny part about ALL of them is that i was given "Deferrment" rather than take defensive driving and/or paying the ticket. Uh, i think this is called extortion, in every form of the word. Legal or otherwise, it's still extortion. "Pay us $155 and after 30 days we'll destroy the ticket and it won't go on your driving record." Excuse me?! Three mph over the speed limit.....yep, got a ticket. Watch out folks, they are there every day!
#1Apr 22, 2010Report Abuse
Patton Village Texas is a useless speedtrap town that exsists solely from motor vehicle fines. Patton Village has no industry and makes no contribution to the community at large. I received 2 tickets at Highway 242 and Highway 59 for a burned out headlight and taillight. The fine is $148.00 for each light. ($296.00 total) Patton Village's Mayor and some of her staff are under indictment by the Texas Rangers for a host of violations. I am interested in seeing how my court date plays out. I fixed the 2 burned out bulbs and I have to appear in court to see if the fines will be reduced. The matter cannot be resolved without going before the judge. Be careful if you go near this burb. They are all about revenue enhancement NOT law enforcement.
#2Jan 18, 2013Report Abuse
Patton Village, Woodbranch and Splendora all connect together on now IH-69. They are the most corrupt bunch of people with a badge. They hire from the bottom of the list and a lot of them live in Houston and have been run off or fired from honest law enforcement jobs. All three are redneck ghettos and are almost entirely supported by the Hwy. For corruption patton Village is the worst. One officer was charged with rape after a night time stop where a lone female was taken by a patton village cop and raped. The entire town is filled with crooks of all kinds. The mayor was sent to prison for stealing money from the city. Now they are building a large theme park across the road from them. They are licking their chops thinking about the victims.
#3Jun 21, 2013Report Abuse
I really wish they would hire functionally literate cops. My 17 year old daughter was speeding (yep) and she got stopped. She should have been stopped. I'll agree to that. BUT then the cop told her she was out after curfew - she was stopped at 8p.m., curfew starts at 12midnight - then told her she couldn't drive anywhere without someone 21 or older in the car, it had to be a family member, and if she couldn't get someone older to come get her, that he would tow her car. He led her to the parking lot of a gas station, told her that he was informing her that she couldn't go anywhere and if she did it would be on her, then pulled into another parking lot and watched her for the better part of an hour. My daughter has a provisional license. All of the things he told her were wrong, but had she pulled out of the parking lot, he would have taken her and her passenger to jail. I hate Patton Village. They have been investigated for and found guilty of corruption SOOOOOOO many times, yet here they are, still doing the same crap.
#4Mar 22, 2016Report Abuse

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