US Highway 65

Lake Providence, LouisianaMay 21, 20091 Comments

Speed trap is in downtown area going North you have to stop at a stop sign then turn left. The highway signs are very confusing and a 25 MPH sign is hidden in between them. The speed limit sign that you actually see is the 35 MPH sign.

Yes. This is true. I got ticketed here in 2005. I came through about 3:00am and made the left turn. 100 yards out, I saw the cop car sitting back from the side of the road. The streetlight on his blue lights gave him away. I maintained just under 25 mph, because I was in a rental and wasn't taking chances. About another 75 yards out, I passed a 35 mph sign and began to speed up. Just as my speedometer hit 27 mph, his lights came on and I was pulled over. I was 100 feet from the 45 mph sigh ahead of me. When he told me I was doing 37 in a 25, I said, no sir. I didn't speed up until I passed the 35 mph sign. He then told me there was no 35 mph sign, that the last sign I would have seen was the 25 just before the turn in town. I cam back in daylight and took pictures of the signs. I called the Sherrif's office to complain and was told that I could waste my money coming back to LA to fight the ticket but that I would be convicted and it would go on my drivers license. I was told if I paid the $175.00 ticket that there would be no interstate reporting. I paid the ticket. Now, when I enter the Parrish, I go 10 under from one end to the other.
#1Dec 01, 2012Report Abuse

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