US Highway Alternate 90 near US Highway 60

East Bernard, TexasAug 24, 20072 Comments

The speed on 90 goes from 65 to 30. There is a four way stop that if you don’t pay attention you will run it. They patrol 90 and 60 through and just out of town. It is different times everyday. New city with lots of speeding cars and 18 wheelers.

I was recently driving West on Highway 90 and turned north on 60. At the blinking red light I stopped then turned. The police officer, who I had already seen twice driving through town -- and this is a small town -- pulled me over. He said I didn't stop. I said I had. He checked my record - spotless. Then wrote me a ticket. This is definitely a speed trap. The irony is I was from out of town looking to buy real estate there. Not anymore. BTW -- this isn't your local Barney Fife. The policeman was driving a brand new Ram Charger pursuit car and looked like he was dressed for the SWAT team in a major city. Apparently East Bernard is making some good money on out of town folks just coming through. Unfortunately, they are ruining their reputation in the process as a good place to work and live. I'll find someplace else to put my money to work.
#1Oct 21, 2010Report Abuse
The speed limit is 70 mph traveling east into town on US90A (65 during night). It is reduced to 55, then 45, then 35, then 30, in phased increments. There is sufficient signage prior to the speed change to warn you of reduced speeds. There is a warning sign with a flashing yellow light warning you of a stop ahead, and red flashing lights and a stop sign at the intersection. The Texas Department of Transportation sets the speed limits, with little or no input from local government or law enforcement. The speeds are enforced with great leniency, as you would find out through an open records request. What does being issued a ticket for failing to stop have to do with speeding...nothing. Being issued a ticket for failing to stop does not indicate a "speed trap" A speed trap is a sudden reduction of the speed limit of greater than 15 mph, which does not occur. It is OK to vent though since you got the ticket...maybe stop next time.
#2May 26, 2011Report Abuse

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