Walkely Road near Near Russel Road by the Giant Tiger Store

Ottawa, OntarioJun 11, 20040 Comments

Two Officers, one in a car and another on a motor Bike set up a tri-pod right on the elevated median between the 2 east and west bound lanes on Walkely Road, in the one block area between Melfort, and Tawney (Where the Giant Tiger is). What they do is catch people coming off the 417 highway that are traveling west bound on Walkely, and once you cross Russell Road the Police Officers can see you coming from about 1.5kms away. Drivers that were just 30 seconds earlier moving at 100km/h on the 417, are now forced to travel 50km/h on a relatively uninterrupted road. And boom, they got you.

I have yet to have been caught, but I live off Tawney. And at least twice a Month during the spring, summer, and fall see first hand the Police waving the offenders down onto Tawney to write them up.

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