Walnut Creek Road and Stagecoach Road

Stagecoach, TexasJan 10, 20121 Comments

Every driver in my family has had tickets on each of these roads and it does not matter whether or not you are in violation of a traffic law. It matters what day of the month it is, what time of day it is, and whether or not the current officer on patrol is actively writing a ticket and the laws of physics prevent him from being in two places at one time. If you try to fight a ticket you have to pay $100 court cost and $55 “processing” fee up front and if you don’t win (which you won’t) you have to then fork over the original amount of the ticket anyway. Therefore it is presented as the most reasonable option to just pay up with the cashier. They take, cash, credit cards and debit cards…as do most commercial industries. When my son was stopped two weeks after receiving his drivers license – with his mother in the car and definitely not speeding – I decided to try to fight this one as the officer said he had “visually assessed” a speed of 40mph in the 1.8 mile 35mph zone; I attempted to fight it and came up against all of the above; just as I had heard. The room was filled with people lined up to pay. I asked the attorney on hand if the officers ever gave warnings and how I could access the ticket stats on our particular officer…he looked at me like I was from another planet and said, “Lady we don’t have that kind of stuff…this is a converted barn with three staff and one computer. The cashier will assist you further.” Best advice I can give….take another route.

I don't see why 42 people say this is not a speed trap, I live on Walnut creek and I dread this road but I have to take it. Cops hiding in the deep woods/ residential owners drive ways/ and at the park for the stop sign, if you don't stop exactly on white line(not one inch over) you receive a ticket. I despise these officers who are a part of this dog and pony show of a police force. We need to bring this to the Tomball tribune paper or anyone that will cover this story to gain attention . Even though everyone knows is a speed trap....
#1Dec 31, 2013Report Abuse

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