Warren and Outer Drive

Dearborn Heights, MichiganJun 21, 20030 Comments

On the South side of Warren, Just before Outer Drive (Rouge Park) Police wait for you as you come over the hill going west on Warren, He parks where the Old Roller Rink use to be. They only want the money, and will waive the points, The magistrate will see motorist to hear your excuse on Mondays thru Thursdays twice a day only 9am and 2pm, you go in they call your name, the magistrate ask you whats your excuse, hows your record, changes your ticket to impeding traffice, you pay the fine plus $15 court fee and NO points, they make big bucks here!! There were atleast 20 people there at 2pm and everyone seen the Magistrate for about 20 seconds and only payed the Fines. I went within a few hours after getting my ticket, make sure you have the money to pay the fine while your there!!

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