Wellesley Island State Park (Park land )

Alexandria Bay, New YorkApr 28, 20100 Comments

On the state owned road going into the Wellesley Island State Park there is not one speed sign ( I assume it is 40mph being a secondary road. ) Then the road turns into State park land and the first speed sign is 15mph Yes only 15mph. I was doing 25mph ( watching the big bird nests ) It cost me $275 There is a cop sitting right at the sign hidding out of sight all the time. I know this because I have been going there for 8 years. Shame NY state thousand Islands hires extra cops from NY city just to catch people on state park road who are camping. I could see if it was in the park but this is the main road going into the park and I was not going way over. Yup state cops just out to make money. Same with the game warden fishing. A grandfather and his grandson were there fishing ( same week I was ). Kids do not have to have a fishing license. They had a kids snoopy rod and reel . The grandfather was hanging onto the pole at the time the game warden came and fined the grandfather for not having a fishing liecence . Clearly the snoopy kids rod was owned by the 6 year old kid. but they fined him anyway . Nice ways for lower NY state to promote tourism by looking for ways to fine people at their campground . Shame NY State !

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