West End Avenue near Interstate I-440

Nashville, TennesseeJul 29, 20051 Comments

Late at night, particularly on the weekends (Friday – Sunday evenings from approx. 10/11pm onwards) cops like to hang out in front of the Electronic Express on West End Ave. (2 buildings up from Centennial Park).
Typically there are a minimum of 2/3 cops sitting, with radar guns, on the curb checking everyone coming down from the bars just past the Vandy area but I have frequently seen anywhere between 5 and 8 (yes, 8) cop cars sitting out there at any given time. Not only are they checking speeding but they frequently pull people over to do "random" license checks as well.

They will set up a lot near where Vandyland used to be.
#1Feb 20, 2011Report Abuse

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