west side of town

Curryville, MissouriJun 11, 20141 Comments

I had a car ahead of me going 10 mph through town. As I reached what seemed to be the edge of town with the speed limit increasing, I passed that car all the time staying within the speed limit. I was pulled over by the unmarked police car that was hidden on the west side of town and ticketed for passing within the town limits. This is a pretty sad town that preys on motorists. Because of other similar episodes listed on this site, I am suspicious that the ultra slow motorist in town is part of the trap. I would strongly recommend avoiding this town. I would also suggest not doing any business in this town, although as others have noted I don’t think there are any businesses. The speed trap is the town’s business.

Are u sure you didn't get stopped by the sheriff? Curryville does not have unmarked police cars!
#1Jun 09, 2015Report Abuse

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