Westbound I-70 (KS Turnpike) Rest Stop Exit Ramp 5Mi E. Of T

Topeka, KansasJul 19, 20101 Comments

Kansas Hwy Patrol sits on west bound rest stop exit ramp hidden blocked view from landscape. See this GPS location: 39.018986,-95.51328. Typically enforced weekdays evenings between 3:00 and 6:00 pm as heavy traffic from Kansas City and Lawarence returning to Topeka. 1st know that the KS Hwy Patrol are generally lazy and stick to the ususal spots. Local frequent turnpike users know where these hot spots are and slow down. This particular location is 5 miles east of Topeka. Rarely is there any speed enforcement west of this area and the locals run 80~90 MPH. That leaves unsuspecting travelers who get tuned into the flow of traffic then do not slow down nor see the hwy patrol laying in wait hidden from view behind the landscape. Tip for those traveling this area. Find someone with Kansas Tags with the letters “SN” or “DG” in the upper right corner. They are locals. If they slow down for any reason follow suit.

Kansas license plates have the county abbreviation in the upper left hand corner, not the upper right hand corner. The upper right hand corner is for the registration expiration sticker.
#1Dec 21, 2015Report Abuse

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