Wisteria Drive near State Highway Great Seneca

Germantown, MarylandSep 03, 20040 Comments

This is a very wide 2 lane road that goes by a completely fenced in high school athletic field. The speed limit is 30, which is well below the safe travel speed. The section of road is between Great Seneca Highway and Germantown Road. An apartment complex sits across from the school athletic field and just below the crest of a small hill. Law enforcement park their vehicles in the driveway of the apartment complex and stand on the sidewalk with radar guns pointed at the top of the hill. I live in said apartment complex and see the county police parked there on a somewhat regular basis. Needless to say, I travel this section of road every day and I still find myself going between 40 and 45 mph most of the time (which seems like a more appropriate speed limit).

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