Collierville, Tennessee Speed Traps
Wolf River Boulevard near John Ridge Street
Generally they sit in the medium and can chase traffic in either diection. Also any residential street in the city is a moderate to high lilihood for radar traps as the residential spped limit is 20 mph. The traps are set more frequently in residential areas on the north side of Poplar Avenue. Be careful as the cost for a small overage is very expensive.
Houston Levee Road near nr. St. Georges School
Heading South on Houston Levee Road, police post up on the right side of Houston Levee where a small cut in goes to Old Houston Levee. This is just after the Wolf River bridge heading south. Easier to see when going North, but police are usually clocking Southbound traffic. Opposite side is St. Georges school.
Lawnwood Drive near Kenaw Drive
Intersection at Kenaw Dr. at Lawnwood Dr., and as well All of Lawnwood, is a speed trap. Posted speed is 20 MPH but 30 MPH is safe. They like to catch people Late For School, i.e. 6:30-6:50 AM. Watch Out!
Forest Hill Irene Road near Near Mike Rose Soccer Complex left when turning out of it about 1.5 miles
Hiding in parking lots.
Winchester Road
Collierville, TN has a speed trap. It is at Winchester Rd from Byhalia Rd to Houston Levee Rd. It is a 5-lane road with low amounts of traffic, and the speed limit is 40. You could easily drive 55 and not know it, and then get a ticket.