Ethridge, Tennessee Speed Traps
Hwy 43
Ethridge has a gray ram pickup and black charger both unmarked both regularly set and run radar up and down hwy 43. Also they hide in various spots and run radar. Between state troopers, county and Ethridge it is nothing but money making spot
3935 US hwy43, Ethridge, TN 38456 sharp transport building
The city police on weekends will hide behind buildings especially sharps transport you can not see him. during weekdays that will ride up and down the hwy in an unmarked silver looking dodge truck pulling people over.
The stretch between Campbellsville Pike and Dollar General
Speed limits have just now dropped and they are ticketing!!!
Intersection of Red Hill Road and US Hwy 43 in front of Ricks
City officer likes to sit in Ricks Barbecue parking lot, at the last exit to the business shooting his Radar at the crest of the Hill at the intersection of Red Hill Road and Hwy 43. Ethridge City Cop catches multiple vehicles in his line of sight with a difference of speed as the right lane nearest to his vehicle has cars braking to make a right turn into Red Hill Road and into City of Ethridge -versus- the cars traveling the inside lane of the 4 lane highway are traveling at a slightly higher speed, whenever two vehicles appear within a radar horns view. IT ADDS THE SPEED difference between two vehicles to the faster vehicles speed. Of course this is not correct operation of Radar in accurate manner, more than one moving target within a Radar Units horns view generates false readings, and the only true means to select one target out of a cluster of targets is a moving radar dish. This improper operation is Guaranteeing a steady stream of COURT COSTS OF 190$ and tickets requiring a court appearance. Multiple objects within the same Radar Horns view = false readings – yet still charged 190.00$ Court Costs. Irregardless of dismissal of ticket.
Ethridge TN City Cops,
City officer likes to sit in Ricks Barbecue parking lot, at the last exit to the business shooting his Radar at the crest of the Hill at the intersection of Red Hill Road and Hwy 43. City Cops vehicle is quite high on the location he uses, which gives his radar a “Air Shot” which is guaranteed to generate a false reading, and he also catches multiple vehicles in his line of sight with a difference of speed as the right lane nearest to his vehicle has cars braking to make a right turn into Red Hill Road and into City of Ethridge while others are required to slow down for these turning vehicles and traveling slower -versus- the cars traveling the inside lane of the 4 lane highway are traveling at a slightly higher speed, whenever two vehicles appear within a radar horns view. IT ADDS THE SPEED difference between two vehicles to the faster vehicles speed. Of course this is not correct operation of Radar in accurate manner, more than one moving target within a Radar Units horns view generates false readings, and the only true means to select one target out of a cluster of targets is a moving radar dish. This improper operation is Guaranteeing a steady stream of COURT COSTS and tickets requiring a court appearance. Mt Pleasant, Columbia, Smyrna, in TN all have done similar, Operate Radar in such a way to generate false readings then assign those readings to their intended victims, Bring a EXPERT on Radar, because i have yet to see a Judge competent to rule on a radar case, nor one to understand its operation. With one exception i heard about one judge who is deceased now who DID understand radar. Mt Pleasant Judge heard testimony of officer that he shot my vehicle THRU the concrete pillars of the Airport Bridge, – 2 objects within the same Radar Horns view = false readings – yet still charged 130.00$ Court Costs. ( they were paying off a judgment suit against the city that they lost. )