Johnson City, Tennessee Speed Traps

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King springs Road near elementary school

Johnson City, TennesseeAug 21, 20140 Comments

Cop hides behind tree with radar gun(is this legal?)

Old Gray Station Rd. Between N.Roan and Boones Creek Rd.

Johnson City, TennesseeJul 10, 20140 Comments

Cop sits in gravel parking lot at red light and catches people going over 30 (downhill). No breaks given. Got to make that quota !!

Near E. Browns Mill Road and Woodbriar Drive

Johnson City, TennesseeJun 12, 20140 Comments

After topping the hill going away from Johnson City, you will spot a police car using radar, but it will be too late for you to slow down. This is a “back road” that is commonly used to go to WalMart.

Sunset Blvd

Johnson City, TennesseeOct 15, 20120 Comments

Mahoney’s to State of Franklin speed limit 40, Mahoney’s to north Roan St. 30. Speed trap there almost every morning. Ticketed for 38 in a 30. What a crock!

City limits on Interstate 26.

Johnson City, TennesseeJul 16, 20120 Comments

North entry drops from 70 to 55. South entry drops 60 to 55. You will get a ticket

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