Johnson City, Tennessee Speed Traps
Knob Creek Rd. after going under CSX narrow underpass
As you head down the hill from the light and follow the road to right they sit in front of the Sells Farm, pointed towards Jonesborough, usually 7:30-8:30 with people going to work. Coming from Jonesborough you go through a mild left bend and over a short hill just high enough to hide the squad car until right on them. Speed limit on this stretch is 30. Traffic normally moves at 50 without accidents. They use KA band radar which a radar detector picks up over a mile away. Good investment. No safety conscious driver should be without a radar detector.
Hwy. 11 between Johnson City and Bristol – in Piney Flats
Stationary Radar Trap just past Piney Flats if you are traveling North. Radar is in center of median. Beware!!!!!!!!!
anywhere on Princeton Rd
they sit in parking lots and side streets the entire length from Brownsmill to Oakland
Main entrance into ETSU off of University Pkwy
Unmarked car sits in turning lane of the first entrance into ETSU in a 30mph zone, going downhill. Be very careful in this area of Univ Pkwy near campus.
Interstate 81
Its best to fuel or eat In Erwin or Gray Tennessee.Avoid Johnson City Exits off Interstate 81.To many Red Light Cameras and radar traps.