Memphis, Tennessee Speed Traps

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Walnut Grove, At Germantown Rd Overpass

Memphis, TennesseeApr 15, 20100 Comments

Police will clock cars heading East on Walnut Grove as they come down overpass. 45 MPH. Laser. Watch Above Ground Transform Box 100 yards past store, on right.

Exiting I-40W (also E on Sam Cooper entering I-40E)

Memphis, TennesseeApr 12, 20101 Comments

While approaching the end of I-40/Sam Cooper Blvd, the speed limit abruptly changes to 40mph at a rise in the road. The officers wait just over the rise and catch you before you have a chance to hit the brakes after the change in speed limit. They are they often, and also work the other side of this 6-lane divided road where the speed limit is 40mph. Be prepared! They are there often.

Walnut Grove & Germantown Pkwy.

Memphis, TennesseeMar 24, 20100 Comments

Going east on Walnut Grove just passed Shelby Farms & across Germantown Pkwy. bridge. The speed limit reduces from 55 to 45. Be careful, especially
on Fridays and holiday wkends.

From Frayser Blvd to James road

Memphis, TennesseeMar 20, 20100 Comments

They have a marked car sometimes and an unmarked car the marked or unmarked car will radar and then radio it down to the waiting offciers below the hill in a church parking lot at whitney plus they like to hide on orman street sometimes too and it’s mostly two female officers who run this streach of road the speed limit drops north bound to frayser blvd after the daycare to 35 mph limited sight distance they love that sign most of the time its late at night here the past few days during the day time ……..

southern ave between highland & josephine

Memphis, TennesseeMar 15, 20100 Comments

they will be on the north side with radar shooting towards east bound traffic.

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