Memphis, Tennessee Speed Traps

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Old Millington Road near Hollydale Road

Memphis, TennesseeOct 01, 20070 Comments

Hollydale is at the entrance to a trailer park and is between N. Watkins on the north and Creston St. on the south. There is a stretch of road about 3/4 mile long which wooded with no dwellings or businesses. Posted speed limit is 35 but should be 40 or 45 given low traffic and density. Usually, they set up at Hollydale but sometimes they set up at Creston. They try to get people who speed through this basically empty stretch of road.

Walnut Grove/Union Avenue near from Holmes to Tilman by the Central Library

Memphis, TennesseeSep 28, 20070 Comments

This is a long-standing trap that used to be home of the famous MPD "Walrus" — the motorcycle cop with the big handlebar mustache. He’s a nice guy, but gives the most tickets of the entire department.

Riverside Drive near Interstate 55

Memphis, TennesseeSep 18, 20070 Comments

I-55 and Riverside Drive run into each other. When I-55 ends the 55MPH speed limit, you have about 5 seconds to break down to 40MPH because you’re now on Riverside Dr. The police sit over to the right of the exit on the BP parking lot.

Appling Road near Stage Road

Memphis, TennesseeSep 06, 20070 Comments

I have seen the cops there with radar standing on the side of the road. You can’t see them until you are right up on them. They are there a lot during rush hour but can be there anytime. They are there a lot.

Mendenhall Road near Between Winchester & Knight Arnold

Memphis, TennesseeSep 05, 20070 Comments

They sit on the side roads and shoot as you pass. If you are traveling North on Mendenhall, the speed limit changes from 45 to 40 after you cross Winchester. There are No Speed Limit Signs on the north bound lanes indicating that the speed has gone down until after you cross Knight Arnold. (The South direction is marked)

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