Morristown, Tennessee Speed Traps

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Off ramp from 160 to South Cumberland

Morristown, TennesseeAug 29, 20130 Comments

This is not a speed trap but is the spot of several road blocks. As you come off 160 and get on the ramp you can’t see them set up till you are right at the end where they set up. You can tell when they have had one there will be 10 cars left on the side of the road.

West Economy Road, in front of Manley Elementary School

Morristown, TennesseeMay 03, 20130 Comments

Speed limit is set at 30, but it takes a lot of concentration not to go 40. There’s usually a cop sitting in the parking lot of a Church on the road, or behind some bushes in a parking lot close to the Life Care Center of Morristown.

HWY 25E construction zone/walmart area

Morristown, TennesseeMar 06, 20130 Comments

This construction has been going on for 2 years and will probably be going on for at least 2 more. This is a 4 lane highway but the limit is reduced to a super-low 35mph whether or not workers are present. I have seen them set up speed traps at both ends of the construction zone to catch people IMMEDIATELY when the limit drops from 55 to 35. They like to hide just over the crest of the overpass when you’re headed south toward walmart, they may be hiding behind the guard rail of the overpass in the median area, or sitting off to the right hiding under the Morris Blvd overpass/bridge. They also sit on the south entrance to the zone either in the median/middle area or off to the right of the road.

N. Liberty Hill Rd

Morristown, TennesseeMar 06, 20130 Comments

I travel this road often and have noticed an increasing number of police cars set up running speed between the redlight at the carwash almost all the way out to Buffalo trail. They park under the AJ overpass, in the median just below the crest of the hill at the tire store, hidden/backed in behind the retailing wall in the parking lot of the storage facility at the bottom of the hill, and in the parking lot of the old video store. This road has an artificially low 35mph limit although you can safely do 45-50.

Sulphur Springs Road just passed West High toward 160

Morristown, TennesseeNov 05, 20120 Comments

Sulphur Springs Road just pass West High School. Its a straight road to main Highway 160. I live very close and I drive that road everyday. Its so hard to drive under 40 on that road. Speed limit is “30”. I see police parked in 1 of 3 different places waiting because they know they can write many tickets a day. I bet it gets more tickets in one day than most roads get in 2 weeks.

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