Morristown, Tennessee Speed Traps

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Appalachian Hwy & College Park Dr

Morristown, TennesseeJul 07, 20090 Comments

Local Government targets large business entrances with quick red lights and speed checking radar, over riding state law which says you can turn right on red, (you will get a ticket) this location is watched very closely by hwy patrol and local police. try to avoid Morristown and go some where else to shop.

E Morris Blvd & S Haun Dr

Morristown, TennesseeJun 19, 20090 Comments

speed is checked and red light camera, both at the same time. you have only 3 seconds to clear light or you get a ticket, if you can see the yellow light as you go under, you get a ticket. really low life (greedy) government in morristown. i suggest you go somewhere else to shop. Wal-mart’s light is same way.

State Highway 25 East near Between I-81 and the Lake

Morristown, TennesseeSep 12, 20070 Comments

Consistent enforcement of the whole stretch of 25E in Morristown. Common hiding spots are (in order coming from I-81 toward morristown): in the median at the bottom of the left hand hill past Witt School; off the right side of the highway approaching Walters State/Walmart/mall; anywhere between the mall and the lake, especially in front of the Harley Davidson dealer.

State Highway 11E near west, at Jeff Co. line

Morristown, TennesseeSep 12, 20070 Comments

I have observed officers running speed traps on 11E near the jeff Co. line several times in the area of the Talbott Post Office. One was parked up adjacent to an old barn in a gravel driveway right as you cross the county line; one was sitting in a business parking lot near the Mazda dealer. Mostly they run radar patrol all the way from the county line until you get into the main part of Morristown near OCharley’s/Pilot (they hang out at the Pilot at night, several cars will be there at all times).

State Highway 25E South near Witt Utility office

Morristown, TennesseeAug 27, 20070 Comments

As you round the corner,prior to Witt School, they sit in the median-Morristown City

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