Arp, Texas Speed Traps
Rt. 135 from U.S. 64 towards Overton
When driving from Tyler (U.S. 64) to Overton you may travel 70mph until the Rt. 135 bridge. As you take the ramp and get onto Rt. 135 the speed limit changes to 55mph but the sign is almost a half-mile from the ramp. Be careful to not resume speed too quickly as Rt. 135 is every bit as good a road as U.S. 64 at this point. The cops often sit like little trolls under a bridge waiting for unsuspecting travelers. They apparently need the money to pay for their brand new patrol cars which, since Arp is such a small town, probably cannot be covered by local taxes. If you get a ticket don’t even bother to fight it since the judge will hear no kind of explanation or give any kind of mercy. He apparently reserves his "judgments" for his fashionable wardrobe which looks like he just got back from a night at the Reo Palm Isle. I couldn’t really tell from my vantage point on the "other" side of the "court" but he probably had zip-up boots and likely drives an El Camino. Actually, the best strategy to avoid a ticket in this town is to avoid it altogether since there is really nothing there worth seeing anyway.
On hwy 135 between Overton and Arp before hwy 64 overpass.
When driving from Overton towards Arp on Hwy 135 shortly before the intersection of Hwy 64 to Tyler, the speed limit changes from 70 mph to 55 mph at the Arp city limits. The cop with radar sits in the parking lot of a feed store on the left. The roadway has a dip then rises just before the feed store which provides visual cover for the cop.
State Highway 135 near Terry’s Exxon
Local police sit there every night from about 9-9:30 pm.
Front Street In front of the football staduim
The police sit either in from of the football staduim or in front of the band hall. This part of the road goes between the highschool and jr high school. the speed limit is 15 mph at all times.
State Highway 135 near FM 294 Crossing
Be sure you stop completely at the 4 way stop. Locals like to sit and watch it.