Austin, Texas Speed Traps
I-35 Northbound between Airport Blvd and 51St.
Motorcycle cop hides behind a large Silver Traffic Control box Northbound I-35 between I-35 and the service rd, between Airport Blvd & 51St. right when you come down off of the upper deck of I-35 North.
I-35 and Slaughter Creek Overpass
Black cop car sits by the overpass at night time and tickets drivers pretty often as they are about to exit at Slaughter.
I-35 S just south of Taft Lane
Austin P.D. vehicle sitting in the entrance to the Men’s Wearhouse/Chili’s parking lot, aiming gun at I-35 and rather well-hidden. Look out, citizens of Austin! Don’t let the revenue generators harass us.
on Hi Line Rd. on the way to Carlos’ N Charlie’s
When you turn off 620 on Hudson bend Rd. the speed limit is 45mph but when you make the last turn on Hi line Rd. before getting to Carlos’ N Charlie’s there is a speed limit sign tucked behind a tree that is 35mph. the cops sit about 50ft pass the sign waiting for you to pass it then get out of there car and just stand in the road and stop you.
Congress ave. Between La vista rd. and Cumberland Rd.
Police in cars and on motorcycles frequently sit for hours and wait to wright multiple tickets to drivers. Especially at the parking lot of the El Gallo Mexican Restaraunt.