Beaumont, Texas Speed Traps
Dowlen Road near Daisy Street
Motorcycle cop that parks in a private driveway (with permission from the owners because I know them.) He is not easy to see, and in fact, you cannot see him until it is entirely too late. And that is if you are coming from either direction. He is not at all leniant. If he pulls you over, you Will get a ticket. He isn’t there everyday, but I have noticed a pattern of Mondays and Thursdays. More so when school is in session.
Dowlen Boulevard near Phelan Boulevard
Motorcycle officer sits in a driveway north of Phelan on the east side of Dowlen. The speed limits are tricky, watch for the school zone also.
Lucas Drive near Gladys Avenue
Heavy police presence on major thoroughfare that they chose to build through a long-established residential area. Limit’s 35. They Strictly enforce it. Go 30!
Interstate 10 near Liberty Street Overpass
Local municipal enforcement regularly wait at bottom of bridge … limit is 35, but they’ll ticket for 39 and up.
Park Street near Martin Luther King Boulevard
After you leave downtown, and before your reach MLK. The limit is 30, which is completely ridiculous for a 3 lane one way street with almost 0 pedestrian traffic. The limit should be 45 at the very least. Cops hide behind buildings and use a battery powered gun.