Brenham, Texas Speed Traps
City of Brenham 290
Speed drops from 70 (daytime) to 50 when 290 runs through Brenham. Not sure why they need a highway speed limit so low as 50, but I missed the sign and got popped. Seems really stupid to pay a $200+ fine for missing a sign in a speed trap town. Glad to see the city takes advantage of people unfamiliar with 290 by ticketing them for a speed that is otherwise legal.
US Highway 290
The speed limit drops to 60, near a traffic light. But the enforcement in that County is just too high. In the middle fo the night, when there is no traffic, you are pulled over for doing 75 on a 70. Cop claimed that the limit is 65 at night.
I think this county gets most of its income from ticketing people.