Brownsboro, Texas Speed Traps

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Highway 31 west bound out of city limit

Brownsboro, TexasMay 02, 20160 Comments

Posted speed of 45 in town. As you exit west bound on Hwy 31, the cop sits five feet before the limit increases to 55…and the 65 mph is within site. Well worn hiding place 45 feet off the road.

Hwy 31 south leaving town

Brownsboro, TexasJun 08, 20100 Comments

When you are on your way out of town going past the high school the speed limit is 45mph. But, just as you get past the high school you will see ahead the speed limit changes to 55 mph. Dont start to speed up before you get to the sign because, the cop sits waiting just on the right next to the volunteer fire dept. hoping that you have increased your speed to 55 mph seeing the sign ahead giving him the opportunity to pull you over an giving you a ticket for going 10mph over the speed limit.

State Highway Texas 31 near FM 314

Brownsboro, TexasAug 25, 20080 Comments

Heading East on Hwy 31 and heading into Brownsboro there is a posted 45mph sign, about 100 yards ahead is a 35mph sign that partially hidden by trees, has other signage around it, and you can’t see it until you turn around a slight bend in the road. About 100 yards later the speed limit goes back up to 45mph. I saw the same cop pull over three people within 15 minutes and as I returned from my trip a few days later I saw him in the same place giving more tickets.

State Highway 31 near 314 south Crossing

Brownsboro, TexasMar 08, 20080 Comments

there is a hill coming into the city from the west, the cops hide over in agrassy area out of plain sight until it is to late for motorist to see them they also turn the lasar and radar off and on so that you can’t know there there. and ofcourse the speed limit is reduced by 10 mph just after crossing over the hill. But truly the cops are constanly giving tickets all day to motorist just driving even a minimum over the speed limits. i watched one day a cop pull out of the station by 314 hwy and turned his lights on a car that was traveling down the road 31 hwy and the cop is still at the station but he pulls out and chases a little white car and pulled it over. where he was he could not possible have know the car was speeding or anything else for that matter.

US Highway 31 near FM 314

Brownsboro, TexasApr 28, 20050 Comments

hwy 31. brownsboro cops get driving to fast and to slow for impeading traffic. and they are rude also, just like their nieghboring city chandler

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