Bryan, Texas Speed Traps

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Hwy 6/190 south bound lane towards Houston

Bryan, TexasMay 11, 20170 Comments

1st sign reads: End of constructions 2 sign: 60 MPH All construction has been removed from the highway. Work crew is working on the service roads and on the opposite side of the highway. The is one Constable from Pct. 2 that is out side of his car yelling pull over and writing tickets. Every ticket has your traveling speed listed at 72 miles per hour. He is not look at a radar and has been know to chase cars, cross block cars with his car also. He is even writing tickets in the rain with no visible work crew. Bull dismisses the tickets her wishes to and everyone else has to given the JP Court fees that are over $300.00. Traveling on the opposite side of the highway, north bound on HWY 190/6 into Waco, there are no signs on the north bound side of the highway where construction workers are working. The speed limit is still 70 MPH.

bryan high school

Bryan, TexasJun 25, 20120 Comments

tennis court

FM 2818 between hwy 6 and Sandy Point Rd.

Bryan, TexasOct 10, 20100 Comments

open country road with industrial park on one side. one unit will have someone pulled over and a second unit will stop with him to catch anyone passing by at higher than 35 mph. Also there are several old pull offs near Sandy Point where they sit well off the road way.

FM 1179 near Steep Hollow Road

Bryan, TexasJul 18, 20060 Comments

State Troopers will sit on the Cemetary Lot across from Steep Hollow Baptist Church just as you are coming around the corner. The speed limit is 60 for most of the road except that corner where you should slow down to 35 mph. Many accidents also happen here.

Barak Lane near 29th Street

Bryan, TexasJul 22, 20041 Comments

Barak Lane runs along the back side of bryan high school by the tennis courts. Motorcycle cops will sit on the sidewalk behind cars parked along the curb and walk into the street to pull you over. The speed limit is 30mph and they will stop you for 1 mile over the limit.

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