Bullard, Texas Speed Traps
Bullard TX Overpass on Hwy 69.
Bullard TX is home to a new overpass that has been under construction for well over two years. The speed limit was lowered to 45mph, but the sign that notifies drivers is at least a thousand feet down the road on the open highway, hundreds of feet before construction begins. Most drivers maintain their speed before slowing down when the overpass begins — but forget to put the brakes on, and there are (at all times, even in the middle of the night) at least one officer waiting on the far side of the overpass to catch you.
FM 344 near State Highway 69
On FM 344 between Hwy 110 and Hwy 69 there are one or two prime places for speed traps b/c the road turns and dips throught the trees so regularly that it’s easy to let your speed creep up. When heading west on FM 344 look for a cop parked in the low spot of a turn just before the T intersection of Willingham Rd, and another one parked in the curve prior to the straight away east of the entrance to Kiepersol Estates. I have also regularly seen a cop cruising FM 344 around the Pecan Valley subdivision area, about a mile east of the intersection of Hwy 69. The road is straight here but there are several hills and he comes up over a rise and can zap you before you have a chance to check your speed.
US Highway 69
There is a Bullard Police car that sits off to the side of the road between the South Bullard and North Bullard stoplights on US 69, about a mile north of the south Bullard light. He usualy faces the southbound lanes. Going southbound, after you top a large hill and go back down into a dip and start to rise out of it, there’s a small indentation in the vegitation on the side of the road where the police like to sit and catch people coming over the hill.
Residential (Rollingwood Addition)
Residents of this area speed more than 30 MPH which is posted in our area, Patrol is needed more for speeders, Kids play in streets, and there are hills that they fly down, and houses where residents back up or pull out that cannot see what may be coming up the hill. Patrol is needed more in this area, especailly due to stop signs that peope are not stopping.