Castroville, Texas Speed Traps

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US Highway 90 East

Castroville, TexasApr 19, 20061 Comments

I was on U.S. 90 going east towards San Antonio. I was almost out of Castroville when I got popped. The speed limit is unrealisticly low for the road. There were no houses or businesses, just grass. By the way, if you do get a ticket be prepared to pay a lot of $$. My ticket cost $293.00. It was for 63 in a 45. To get the ticket deferred it is the same cost $293.00. If you call the courthouse good luck getting someone on the phone.

US Highway 90 East near FM 471 South

Castroville, TexasMar 10, 20060 Comments

Crusier sits between divid in low area and behind signs. Other times in concelled places in same general loaction. Early morning, when traveling East, can’t be seen until you are passing them. Chase outside city limits going East as much as a mile. Speed limits are unrealisticly low. They did this a few years ago and the DSP stepped in. Need to do it again.

State Highway 90W near Bridge

Castroville, TexasSep 03, 20050 Comments

Between the two bridges in Castroville, the local police wait either in a parking lot off the street or on one of the dozen or so side streets. There is a sign as one begins the ascent up the bridge that notes that the speed limit is increasing to 50 miles an hour. If you speed up BEFORE the sign, you will get stopped.

State Highway 90 near State Highway 90

Castroville, TexasAug 30, 20050 Comments

As soon as you enter city limits just beyond the big oak tree in the center divide Castroville PD strictly enforces the 40 mph speed limit. At night they hid in different sections along the highway so be aware. Also do not drive through their if ya had anything to drink the tend to pull people over for a “faulty”” tail light all to often hint hint. Be aware!”

City Limits

Castroville, TexasApr 17, 20020 Comments

The local PD are really bad and will ticket for one mph over. All the locals, as well as the tourists know it. You go down a steep hill, yet can’t go over 40 mph. Ride your brakes or you will be ticketed. Ka-band radar. Also, beware of red light runners & left turns–many accidents!

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