Celeste, Texas Speed Traps

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Just north of town on Highway 69

Celeste, TexasFeb 10, 20200 Comments

There are several new wedding venues in the area just north of Celeste. Police are targeting traffic returning from these venues. Speed limit drops from 65 to 40 rapidly and police are sitting at the 40mph speed limit sign in wait after dark. Car after car of the same wedding party were stopped here last week. This sad little town clearly needs the money, but it sure ended a wonderful evening on a bad note for many of us.

Heade South out of town

Celeste, TexasSep 26, 20101 Comments

As you leave town at 35mph it goes to 40mph then a 55mph sign is placed where you can see it and if you start to accelerate for 55mph and before you reach 55mph sign they setup there radar. Most people assume if you can see the sign it is alright to start to accelerate.

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