Chillicothe, Texas Speed Traps

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On 287, beginning of town, headed NW

Chillicothe, TexasFeb 05, 20100 Comments

Speed limit drops from 70 to 55 to 35 very quickly. Police wait at 35 mph sign as roads curves. Difficult to see police until it’s too late…

Minimum fine for speeding violation is $177, plus online payment fee of $2, plus “convenience fee” of $12. Seat belt violation is $147, plus fees.

This is a half empty, podunk, Texas town with no other source of revenue besides unsuspecting drivers. They will give NO leniency, and will not even consider changing the price of the fines.

US Highway 287 near Main Street

Chillicothe, TexasJun 17, 20070 Comments

Town is nearly a ghost-town with abandoned bldgs up and down main street. Probably the only revenue the city receives is from the town’s police.

State Highway 287 near Within City Limits

Chillicothe, TexasFeb 12, 20070 Comments

Chillicothe Officer (often out of uniform) stands at different locations on side of SH287 with tripod and snaps photos of drivers exceeding the speed limit. Actual criminal (not civil) ticket is sent to owner of vehicle, regardless who was actually operating the vehicle. Owner of vehicle then has to appear to prove his innocence, or tell who was operating vehicle. Even after criminal ticket is issued, city has ability to also file civil fines against owner of vehicle.
Chillicothe signed 5 year contract with photo enforcement company Nestor where they are given a portion of proceeds from each ticket issued in return for free equipment.
Contact your state legislature to support H.B. No. 985, banning such activity.

State Highway 287 near County Line into City Limits

Chillicothe, TexasApr 21, 20050 Comments

The cops in this area usually like to sit behind a hill, and as you come over it they clock you. Since this town sits on the highway, the cops also like to hide behind old houses. The speed drops guite rapidly from 70 to 55 to 35 within 1/4 of a mile. My dad was stopped for doing 2 miles over the speed limit! The town is in need of tax money so watch out!

edge of town

Chillicothe, TexasFeb 20, 20030 Comments

The speed limit goes from 70 to 30 in a very short distance and the local police hide behind the town buildings. They seem to know just where to get you thats for sure. Fines are really high.

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