Clute, Texas Speed Traps

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Plantation Drive near Dixie Drive

Clute, TexasJun 22, 20070 Comments

Both towns, mainly Lake Jackson, like to play a game “catch you before you cross over””. This intersection is the dividing point of Clute and Lake Jackson and cops will wait until the light is green and pull you over inches from the city line. I witnessed a Clute cop pull someone over 4 blocks into Lake Jackson over a traffic violation… be careful!”

Hargett Street near East / South Main Street

Clute, TexasJan 01, 20070 Comments

Road runs from the police department to the high school. Busy road during the day, most well travelled roads (ie: Shanks, Kyle) are posted at 30, it’s 20 on Hargett and they will get you if you speed.

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