Colleyville, Texas Speed Traps

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Grapevine Highway/Colleyville Blvd. Crossing near John McCain Road

Colleyville, TexasSep 21, 20060 Comments

As you are coming out of Colleyville headed East on Grapevine Highway/Colleyville Blvd/Hiway 26 right as you pass John McCain, the highway turns a corner and goes down a bit of an incline – watch out. I was at the end of a line of traffic and I was stopped. I was slower than anyone else in the line, but I was stopped. Also, as my attorney said, they are crazy there -avoid driving in Colleyville. The city thinks they are more important than anyone and they will make fighting the ticket nearly impossible.

John McCain Road near State Highway 26

Colleyville, TexasSep 01, 20050 Comments

Officer constantly has a car pulled over on John McCain Road in the mid-day hours–most noteably at the end of the month. The speed limits in Colleyville are set very low (30 MPH just about everywhere). CPD surprisingly keeps their K-band radars on all the time, so if you have a detector you should have some warning. Colleyville is a classy place with a lot of spare economy, and the price of fighting a ticket in this area is ASTRONOMICAL and thusly demoralizing. They know they’re sitting on a gold mine. No one is making a stink about the selective taxation either. The DA, of course, is having a hay-day. The city council is laughing all the way to the bank. And the quiet and polite populace wont lift a finger against “Colleyville’s Finest”” for some reason. Too bad CNN and Money magazine didn’t check this message board before they rated Colleyville as the “”Number one place to live in Texas””. Good luck. “

State Highway 121 near Hall Johnson Road

Colleyville, TexasApr 20, 20040 Comments

Do not speed going on 121 south of 360 and north of harwood. Cops sit in the middle of the highway all the time. Motorcycle cops especially.

Pool Road near State Highway 26

Colleyville, TexasMar 06, 20040 Comments

On Pool Rd north of Glade and south of SH 26, police officers are everywhere. They tend to sit in the parking lot at OC Taylor Elementary and pick off drivers because it’s a 5-lane road with a posted limit of 30mph. Also, many cops hide in the many neighborhood entrances between Hall-Johnson and SH 26… I’ve seen motorcycle cops hiding behind fences on residential driveways (completely invisible to traffic going either direction).

Cheek-Sparger Road between Hwy. 121 and Hwy. 26

Colleyville, TexasFeb 21, 20030 Comments

Cops drive up and down, as well as hide on the many side roads. Posted speed is 30, but could be safely higher to match conditions and locale.

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