Conroe, Texas Speed Traps

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State Highway 105 near Downtown

Conroe, TexasJun 27, 20080 Comments

Noted DPS several consective days a couple of blocks west of the courthouse on Hwy 105 = Main Street.

Also, because of the courthouse, the area is crawling with cops from many different agencies all day long Monday thru Friday.

FM 1314 near Creighton Road

Conroe, TexasMay 24, 20080 Comments

Texas DPS is constantly monitoring the stretch of FM 1314 between Creighton Rd.and Loop 336. I have seen more cars pulled over in that area than in the entire stretch of 1314.

State Highway 105 near Dowtown

Conroe, TexasFeb 25, 20080 Comments

Hwy 105 intersects I45. Downtown Conroe is 1-2 miles east of the Hwy 105 exit off I45 northbound. The speed limit is 35 when 45 would be reasonable. About 1-2 blocks west of downtown there is a DPS Trooper with no radar detected. Also, the courthouse is near there so it is a busy place with many law enforcement agencies coming and going weekdays.

Interstate 45 near Feeder Road

Conroe, TexasFeb 25, 20080 Comments

Feb 25, 2008 2 stationary Conroe police cars on northbound feeder road (east side of freeway) with quick acess to on ramps. Radar detected. This was a mile or two south of Hwy 105 which intersects I45 and becomes the main street downtown.

RiverPlantation underpass Bypass

Conroe, TexasJan 17, 20080 Comments

River Plantation underpass off of I-45. 3 State Troopers with Radar guns. They are standing outside of their vehicles, with radars. Beware…. they are hiding very well!

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