Conroe, Texas Speed Traps

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Gulf Coast Road Street near FM 1314

Conroe, TexasJan 04, 20080 Comments

The speed limit is 35 mph. Everyone doesn’t drive that down Gulf Coast Road. When you turn on to Gulf Coast from 1314 and you do your first curve that is where they like to sit in an driveway to enter a deer lease or drilling site. Sometimes there are one and others there are two officers with Radars pulling people over left and right. They shoot the radar gun at you and stand in the middle of the road so that you have to stop that is when they tell you to pull over. I was ticketed and 3 others were ticketed in a matter of 15 to 20 mins. In the morning rush hour and afternoon rush hour it is bad. Just watch yourself.

San Jacinto bridge Bypass near San Jacinto bridge Bypass

Conroe, TexasDec 19, 20070 Comments

East side of San Jacinto bridge LEO waiting.

Feeder from Creighton RD Crossing near Feeder RD To FM 1488 North bound and South Bound

Conroe, TexasJul 06, 20060 Comments

They will hide in the construction area with at least 3 cops. Wait for someone to pass another car or just speeding down the feeder.At the time I passed up a car because he was slamming on his breaks I passed and got pulled over for “being in the Lead”” as there were two others pulled over before myself. Then at the light on Creighton with one lane going straight if anyone cuts in they pull them over and give them a ticket. This went on for a month sraight and now it is when they feel the need. This tickets can start at at least 350.00 I know.”

US Highway 105 near FM 336

Conroe, TexasFeb 19, 20040 Comments

DPS Troopers enjoy sitting on the shoulder of Highway 105 west/eastbound just west of Highway 336 at the bottom of a steep hill. The posted limit drops from 60 to 45 quickly, and the old posted limit prior to environmental regulation was 70 mph – all of which makes this trap particularly lethal.

Interstate 45 near League Line Road

Conroe, TexasDec 19, 20030 Comments

DPS units usuall like to sit in the Trees in the Median just past the League Line Exit. You cannot see them till you are right on top of them but they can gun you long before that. Be sure to wave as you go by doing the speed limit.

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