Crawford, Texas Speed Traps

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185 & 317

Crawford, TexasFeb 23, 20110 Comments

Speed limit drops from 70 to 65 to 45 in matter of feet and then the speed trap of 30 MPG for 1 block at this intersection. They have no local cops. The officers will idenitify themselves as Williamson Co sheriff and such. This particular intersection is where the cop will pull out in front of you then fly to edge of town to turn around and fly to catch you. You are rapped up in the fact that you almost teeboned an officer that you didnt catch the 30 MPH speed limit sign right there. There is no stop light just a mere caution light. Be warned this is a trap.

185 and 317

Crawford, TexasFeb 18, 20112 Comments

Block of Crawford is 30 mph from 45 where as coming into and leaving Crawford is 60 mph. I was coming in from McGregor on 317. Speed limit dropped from 60 to 45 in matter of seconds. When I approached 185 a cop pulled out in front of me. I swerved to keep from Tboning him. He made a left in front of me went to edge of town turn around and sped trying to catch me. I was already in the 60 mph zone better than 1 mile when he caught me. He informed me that he is a Williamson County Officer and that he pulled me over for speeding. It was 45 when I came into town and 45 when I left town. He got me for 45 in a 30. When I went to the police station the clerk informed me that they dont have local officers that they have to hire out of town. When I informed her that her officer pulled out in front of me she said you are on video speeding I said I see now. How could he have videod me when I was well out of town when he tried to stop me. You are more concerned with a violation than the wrong doing of your officers. No wonder they cant keep cops! 1 block is really 30 and I didnt pay attention to it because their officer almost caused a wreck. I was set up! This town is a speed trap, avoid it!

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