Cuero, Texas Speed Traps
Hwy 183 through town center.
The speed limit drops rapidly from 70 mph to 30 mph. Radar is used around the clock, and don’t expect to get a warning ticket.
US Highway 87 near US Highway 77 ALT
As you are coming off 87 over the hill(by the TXDOT) when you can merge onto 77A. They sit right therewaiting to catch people from both sides.
US Highway 87 near Hunt Street
US 87 heading north through Cuero. 87 starts to go down hill at about Hunt street. At the top of the hill the speed is 40mph and at the bottom of the steep hill the speed drops to 30 with a school zone. They sit at the bottom of the hill and catch you as your speed increases going down hill.
US Highway 183
Travlelling north to south on 183 three miles outside of Cuero the speed limit drops from 70 to 55. DPS also catches northbound traffic coming over the train overpass headed north. Same thing for 3 miles south of Cuero on 183, the speed limit is 55.