Danbury, Texas Speed Traps

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Route 2004 in Brazoria County

Danbury, TexasJul 29, 20150 Comments

Speed goes down to 60 mph on the tall bridge and stays that way until Galveston County line..

Main Street near cr. 171 Street

Danbury, TexasFeb 11, 20082 Comments

They sit on the side of the city park, by the blinking light. They redar people coming into town from cr. 171
They also are by the police station with their lights off.

Spur off of Hwy 35 coming into Danbury

Danbury, TexasJul 24, 20022 Comments

For 2 miles off of Hwy 35 coming into Danbury, the speed limit is 45, as soon as you hit the curve coming into town there is the speed limit sign of 30. There is always a Police Officer sitting about 500 yards up the road waiting.

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