Del Rio, Texas Speed Traps

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South. Side. 277.

Del Rio, TexasJun 03, 20160 Comments

Going Into Del Rio. State Trooper At 55 mph. Zone. Turned Lights Before Getting To 55 Zone. He Was Parked At Bottom Of Hill.

U.S. HWY 277

Del Rio, TexasFeb 22, 20111 Comments

-Entering from the south of the city (from Laredo)
-U.S. Hwy is 55/60mph zone the sign for 30mph is not until you are about 300 feet from the first signal in the city.
-Officer Smith tried to say I (in a fully loaded 75,000 lb. big rig), after stopping at the first signal (De La Rosa Ave), went 38 mph before the next red light (E. Gibbs St/U.S. 90)…less than a mile up the road…over a bridge…
-later witnessed 3 different squad cars pulling over 3 vehicles within a half hour time period.

Favorite target is long haul truck drivers (witnessed another rig getting ticket shortly after mine) who can not fight ticket in court
-city will not allow out of area residents to submit written protest to ticket….
they allow you to (conviently) opt into “pre-trial diversion” for a convinient $250.00 you can keep the ticket off your record. They might as well put up a sign asking for $250.00 rather than creating a false ticket

Hwy 90 E between Laughlin AFB and Bracketville

Del Rio, TexasSep 09, 20101 Comments

State troopers and/or the local Constable or Sheriff sit along the side of the roadway just before a crest in the road. By the time you see them, they have already got you clocked {even though you may have a radar detector}

US Highway 90 near US Highway 277

Del Rio, TexasJun 02, 20081 Comments

Highway 90 North of Del Rio is known for strict enforcement of posted limits–there is always a state trooper patrolling US 90 between north Del Rio and the Lake Amistad bridge.

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