East Bernard, Texas Speed Traps

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Hwy 60 & Hwy 90A

East Bernard, TexasFeb 18, 20111 Comments

I live here and YES, IT IS A SPEED TRAP.

US Highway 90 Alt.

East Bernard, TexasOct 29, 20090 Comments

The town is newly (past couple of years) incorporated and has a New Police Dept. that is making sure the speed limit is enforced both inside and outside of town.

US Highway Alternate 90 near US Highway 60

East Bernard, TexasAug 24, 20072 Comments

The speed on 90 goes from 65 to 30. There is a four way stop that if you don’t pay attention you will run it. They patrol 90 and 60 through and just out of town. It is different times everyday. New city with lots of speeding cars and 18 wheelers.

90A through town

East Bernard, TexasFeb 17, 20030 Comments

Not a rush-hour trap, but no other options to choose. Beware on Sat & Sun AM from 6am – noon. 30 zone well enforced by Wharton County Sheriff. Radar K-band. Also, you might see one at night now and again, too.

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