Elmendorf, Texas Speed Traps

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Past the trees after crossing the Calaveras creek overpass

Elmendorf, TexasApr 14, 20230 Comments

Elmendorf City Police officers park on the turn around just outside of the Elmendorf city limit, Everything I read online leads me to believe that they have ZERO authority to park initiate traffic stops outside of their jurisdiction. I went to the Elmendorf City Hall and obtained their own copy of the boundaries, and they are clearly outside. The only place Elmendorf city police has traffic violation jurisdiction on 181 is from Calaveras creek to Stuart Rd (Bexar County and Wilson County are both withing this short portion)

Lamn Road near US Highway 37

Elmendorf, TexasOct 12, 20060 Comments

Sits on the side of the winding road at night or in the early morning you cant see him until its to late.

1604 Loop near US Highway 181

Elmendorf, TexasSep 11, 20052 Comments

This isn’t as much a trap as it is impropriety. The Elmendorf Police officer can be found in his city car running radar as far away as 11 miles out of his jurisdiction. I haven’t seen anyone pulled over outside his jurisdiction, but it makes one wonder why he would be that far out of his territory, parked on the side of the highway, actively running his instant on radar unit. If anyone else knows how he can do this, please post your comments here. By the way: I understand that the police officer(s) in Elmendorf are unpaid and have no budget, yet they have a new car every year.

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