Falfurrias, Texas Speed Traps
Just outside city limits on 281 south Brooks County sheriff’
Money maker 281 south county sheriff’s write tickets all day long but will not patrol county roads there’s no money in it.
Route TX-285 (approaching Falfurrias)
This road runs from Rivera (near the gulf coast) to Falfurrias. When nearing the end of this route while approaching Falfurrias, the speed limit will drop rapidly, from 65mph, to 55mph, to 35mph. It is very easy to miss a sudden drop in the speed limit. Texas DPS officers are frequently traveling this road, watching for anyone to miss a speed limit reduction. They are also apt to write citations for any accidental speeders, as the state incentivizes their officers to write as many tickets as possible.
281 after BP Check
As soon as you leave the bp check you are followed and the slightest speeding outside of falfurrias will get you pulled over by DPS all they do is write tickets witha court date.
On U.S. Highway 281 Just South of Falfurrias
A couple of DPS patrol this stretch of highway and will stop you for the slightest speed over 70.