Farmers Branch, Texas Speed Traps
Hutton Drive Road near Diplomat Street
Trap between Diplomat and Valley View on South side of divided road. Hutton Drive is 40 mph from Beltline Rd to just north of Diplomat at which time City limits change from Carrollton to Farmers Branch. Speed limit changes from 40 to 30 at City limits of Farmers Branch. Trap is set just over bridge which is elevated just past stop sign at Diplomat and Hutton Drive.
Marsh Lane near A creek
Going North on Marsh Ln. from The intersection of Marsh and Valley View, there is a large bush that a cop hides behind usually 4 times a day. The bush hides the cops really well and is off to the right just after the bridge that goes over the creek. They also moniter the other side by pakring behind way off into the brush.
635 and 35-e; while exiting the ramp to go 35 norht.
When i rounded the curve I saw the first cop, Then after i passed him my radar went off and i saw the second one, they hide perfectly u cant see them until you get close. I concluded that A. the first cop points the gun in the direction your going and then the second cops comes after u. or B. they both point towards where your coming from. (except in this case the first cop may have been using laser and didnt gun me)
I-635 and Luna Road, heading West on I-635,
Coming over the hill on I-635 before the Luna Road exit, the cop faces westward and clocks people coming over the hill. They got me with Laser, caught up to me and pulled me over on the MacArthur Blvd. Exit. Luna Road & 635 is the Farmers branch border line with Dallas/Irving/Farmers Branch, so they can ticket you. This exit is notorious for ticket writing. And they are out there late nights every weekend.
Midway Rd (Between Spring Valley & LBJ) and Marsh (Between Spring Valley & LBJ)
Farmers Branch Police generate much revenue here and consequently focus much of their police force on this area. On the Marsh stretch there are several wooded areas for them to hide behind and the speed limit is 35, which is too low. There is always a cop here and always one on the Midway stretch.