Floresville, Texas Speed Traps
97 West just past business 181 & Pecan Park
Leaving Floresville on 97 West the speed limit quickly changes from 35 to 45. A small hill and large tree on right give Floresville PD the perfect hiding place on corner of TX 97 and Maple street to catch motorist. There are usually 2 to 3 city police hiding in this speed trap spot at once.
FM 775 & Hwy 181
On 775 from Lavernia to 181 in Floresville. The speed limit drops from 55 to 45 as you come around the curve before the light. DPS sits under a tree in front of the bank and if you are not at 45 when you come out of the curve he will give you a ticket. Trooper admitted I was not the only one he has ticketed for this and the distance from 55 to 45 is “pretty short”.
US Highway 181
Officers tend to catch drivers a few feet from the next speed limit sign, even if you are only 2 miles over the speed limit (no kidding) you get a ticket. Don’t even try to explain to the judge.
US Highway 181 near State Highway 97
Coming around a large curve to the right approaching Floresville from the south traveling north on US Hwy 181, the highway drops down a long grade approaching the city limits of Floresville, speed limit drops from 70MPH to 30MPH in about 300 yards. Impossible to drop from 70 to 30 in that stretch of road, especially when dropping down the grade. Police await your arrival at bottom of grade, be cautious.