Forest Hill, Texas Speed Traps

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SE. Loop 820 Loop

Forest Hill, TexasMay 14, 20040 Comments

An officer is on the median utilizing a LIDAR (Laser) unit. Either is sitting inside of car leaning out of the driver side door or standing on the outside of his car

Forest Hill Drive near Interstate 20

Forest Hill, TexasJan 08, 20040 Comments

Forest Hill Dr. south of I20 to the south city limit of Forest Hills. Like to catch you coming over the hill near the south city limit with moving instant on radar.

S.E. Loop 820 Westbound at Anglin

Forest Hill, TexasNov 27, 20021 Comments

An Officer in Camaro and another Officer in a Ford team up like gangbusters. I haven’t seen them in a while but I want to warn you I have been written by both looking for their quotas.

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