Fort Stockton, Texas Speed Traps
Hwy. 18 North of Ft. Stockton, Texas North of Interstate 10
Highway 18 goes from one lane to two lanes, but the speed limit drops to 55 MPH.
22 miles n of Ft stockton
Was pulled over and ticketed with PU and 22 ft cargo log book
Trooper said if i had Texas plates i would have never been pulled over!!
what would the liberals say about this???????
Interstate 10 near FM 1053
City cops on the interstate that is inside city limits, especially tough on truckers
Interstate 10 near Fast Lane
Ft Stockton Texas is a small town located in a very empty stretch on I-10 between El Paso and San Antonio. The town has very heavy radar enforcement and out of state plates are targeted heavily. I found my speedometer was off 6 MPH after having my transmission replaced. Apparently they used the gear for 3.55 axle and not the 4.10 axle. This is no compassion or understanding here in any way. So make sure when your within 20 miles West or East of Ft Stockton that you slow down and run the speed limit. Speed limits in Texas are also different at night so adjust your speed BEFORE dark. I watched 4 cars get pulled over one morning and all were out of state plates. When I enquired locally they told me that “Texans”” just get warnings. Selective enforcement appears to be common. Considering that you have no way to really fight the ticket I would suspect 99% plead no contest and pay the fine. Save yourself a pile of cash and either circumvent Ft Stockton altogether or drive well under the speed limit anywhere near there. “
IH 10 West
East bound troopers will turn around and write you an expensive ticket even when others are driving faster.