Fort Worth, Texas Speed Traps
I35 north by texas motorspeedway Earnhart way
One sit up on the bridge with the radar gun and then catches people driving both north or south. One radios the other and they speed down the ramp with light flashing. This is not even in their jurisdiction someone a group of people that have received tickets should file a suit it if they are out of their jurisdiction they have no authority
Cliff & Clinton
Not really a “speed trap” per se, but a trap nonetheless. Tickets written here all day long for drivers not coming to a full stop at the stop sign. Even a slight roll will get you written up.
2000 SB loop 820 service road
This is on the south bound service road about 1/4 mile south of brentwood stair. There is a 30 mph sign posted on the corner of Brent wood stair. The traffic flow in the area is 45-50 MPH. 30 MPH is a very unsafe speed. The police are parked on the right shoulder between other civilian vehicles. When you approach the unmarked police car on the right shoulder, a police officer jumps out into the street directly in your path and raises his hands to stop you. Be careful.. If your not very alert you might run over him. He is very unsafe. Traffic is 45-50 mph on this hwy service Road. Its like putting a 30 MPH sign on the free way. Yes they got you for speeding on a technicality, but it’s not right, its unsafe and the speed sign should be brought up in a city council meeting or something.
I-30 between Beach and Riverside
Police on bridge with radar, interceptors on ramp to chase and ticket speeders.
I-30, Ridgmar to University
They have a motorcycle cop hiding behind an overpass sign on Hulen (if you’re heading eastbound) with 6+ motorcycle cops screaming off the exit ramp and another police officer running radar on the Montgomery exit ramp (if you’re heading westbound) with several patrol cars screaming off the Montgomery exit… They are vicious and aggressive.