Fort Worth, Texas Speed Traps

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North Loop 820 Westbound Loop near Frontage Road Exit

Fort Worth, TexasOct 16, 20070 Comments

When exiting North Loop 820 Westbound onto the Frontage Road that runs next to 35W Northbound, there are typically cops sitting behind the Fossil Creek sign after the curve. There are not many cars or stop lights for quite a while, so it is easy to speed through here. Be careful, 3 or more cops like to pull people over.

Interstate I-20 near Interstate I-35W

Fort Worth, TexasOct 13, 20070 Comments

Westbound Interstate 20 going under the I-35W. Usually two to three police cars running radar/laser. Mostly popping fast movers in the fast lane.

US Highway 121 near Sylvania Avenue

Fort Worth, TexasOct 11, 20070 Comments

As you leave the east side of Ft Worth on 121, there is a series of overpasses over Sylvania Ave, Riverside Dr and North Beach St. The way the bridges and barriers are constructed, there is a natural, some what hidden, safe parking spot for the officer to park his car and stand with the laser gun to watch traffic. The sped limit is 65 and you will need to exceed 73 to be pulled over. I was slowing down and was nailed at 75.

Interstate I-20 near Interstate I-35W

Fort Worth, TexasOct 02, 20070 Comments

FWPD Officers driving a Camaro and also a Charger shooting westbound traffic on I-20 from the left shoulder underneath the I-35W overpass.
Have also seen the same officers 1 mile further east underneath the Campus Drive bridge shooting westbound traffic.
Not trying to be confusing, but the Camaro officer likes to also sit on the Hemphill Avenue on-ramp to eastbound I-20 and shoot eastbound traffic. It’s a nice hiding spot because the low profile Camaro is hidden by the concrete barricades.

Oakmont Boulevard near Hulen Street

Fort Worth, TexasSep 28, 20070 Comments

There is a series of long, small hills on this street connecting Hulen and Bryant Irvin. Cop sits in a cross-over at the trough of one of the hills (across from Don Carter Bowling Alley). Watch-out

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